Can you sabotage the sweeteasy?

November 28th, 1933.

The feds thought banning candy from the common citizen would solve our obesity crisis, but Roosevelt finally took the gum out of his ears and promised to end this failed prohibition in a week.

Unfortunately for us, our money is now on the line, and a bitter rivalry has formed between old friends. Herbert “The Candyman” Vanella owns The Candy Bar, and he thought he could pull a fast one on his suppliers. Our asking price became “too high,” and he brought on a new one in time for the Bar’s last call.

Little does ol’ Herbie know that his freshly-fired candistillery clerk went rogue, and our new confidant does not want to get his hands sticky. Herbie and his crew will be opening in an hour, and we don’t want things to go sour. Help us find a way into the sweeteasy, sabotage his production line, and nab their chocolate loot for ourselves.

Total Steps


Tech Puzzles


Analog Puzzles




What is included?

Game synopsis and walkthrough, reference photos, and escape game prop links.